HomeB1 IntermediateAfter Twenty Years

After Twenty Years

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After Twenty Years

A policeman walked up the street. There weren’t many people around because it was a cold night and it felt like rain. It was only 10 o’clock in the evening.

As he walked, he checked the doors to see if they were locked. He also swung his club around and looked back sometimes. He looked strong and confident as he walked. Most of the stores were closed. Only a few places, like a shop selling cigars or a place to eat, were still open.

In the middle of a block, the policeman saw a man standing in the doorway of a closed shop. The man had a cigar that wasn’t lit. The policeman walked up to him, and the man quickly said, “It’s all right, officer. I’m waiting for a friend. We planned to meet here 20 years ago. This used to be a restaurant called ‘Big Joe’ Brady’s restaurant.”

The policeman replied, “I remember. That restaurant was here until five years ago.”

The man lit his cigar. The light showed his face. He had a noticeable scar near one of his eyes and a big diamond on his tie.

The man continued, “Twenty years ago, I ate here with my best friend, Jimmy Wells. We grew up in New York together. I was leaving for the West the next day. Before I left, we promised to meet here again in 20 years. We wanted to see what our lives would be like then.”

The policeman said, “That sounds interesting. But 20 years is a long time. Have you heard from Jimmy since you left?”

The man answered, “At first, we wrote to each other. But then we lost contact. The West is big, and I was very busy. But I believe Jimmy will come. He always keeps his promises. I traveled very far to be here tonight.”

The man showed a fancy watch and said, “It’s almost 10 o’clock. That’s when we said we’d meet.”

The policeman asked, “Did you do well in the West?”

The man said, “Yes, I did. I hope Jimmy did too. Life in New York can be slow. The West challenged me.”

The policeman said, “I hope you see your friend. Will you wait long?”

The man replied, “I’ll wait at least half an hour. If Jimmy can come, he will. Goodbye, officer.”

The policeman said, “Good night,” and continued walking and checking doors.

It was now cold and raining lightly. The wind was strong. There were very few people outside, and they walked quickly trying to stay warm. At the hardware store door, the man who had traveled far to meet his old friend was smoking and waiting.

After waiting about twenty minutes, a tall man in a big coat walked quickly from the other side of the street. He walked straight to the waiting man.

“Is that you, Bob?” he asked.

“Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” the man in the door replied.

“Wow!” said the new man, holding the other’s hands. “It’s really Bob! I thought I’d find you here if you were still around. Twenty years is a long time! The old restaurant is gone. I wish we could eat there again. How was your time in the West?”

“It was great. I got everything I wanted. But Jimmy, you look different. You’re taller than I remember.”

“I grew a bit after turning twenty.”

“Are you doing well in New York, Jimmy?”

“I’m doing okay. I work for the city. Let’s go somewhere to chat about the past.”

The two men began walking together. The man from the West talked about his life, and the other man listened closely.

They walked past a bright drug store. The lights made them look at each other’s faces.

Suddenly, the man from the West said, “You’re not Jimmy Wells. Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man’s nose from a Roman to a pug.”

“It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” said the tall man. “You’ve been caught for ten minutes, ‘Silky’ Bob. Chicago police are looking for you. They told us you might be here and want to talk to you. Are you going to come with me without problems? That’s good. Before we go to the police station, here’s a note for you. You can read it by the window. It’s from Patrolman Wells.”

The man from the West opened the small piece of paper given to him. He started reading confidently, but as he finished, his hand shook a little. The note said:

Bob: I was where we planned to meet on time. When you lit your cigar, I recognized you as the man Chicago is looking for. I couldn’t arrest you myself, so I got another policeman to do it. JIMMY.




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